4 Ways Soy Protein Supports Fitness-Related New Year’s Resolutions

For Immediate Release

Friday, January 5, 2024
U.S. Soy Staff

As we kick off the New Year, health and fitness resolutions for your patients, clients or even yourself, are inevitable. But how do you make those resolutions attainable and help your patients meet their goals?

Fortunately, small steps like adding more soy protein into one’s diet is relatively easy to do and can have a significant impact. Not only are soy foods sustainable, versatile, affordable -- and can be found in mainstream supermarkets -- but they also offer a variety of health benefits. So, if you’re working with a client who is vegetarian, vegan or just trying to incorporate more plant-based, or sustainable, foods into their diet, soy protein is a great plant-based option to help achieve fitness goals.

Check out four ways soy protein can assist patients in achieving fitness-related New Year’s resolutions.


1. Helps Build Muscle Mass and Strength

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and soy contains all nine essential amino acids in amounts needed by the body. This makes soy one of the only complete plant-based proteins and on par with protein from animal sources, such as milk, eggs, and meat.

Research shows that men who supplement resistance training with soy protein may experience similar gains in muscle mass and strength as men who supplement their workout with animal protein. 

Put it into action: Encourage your patients or clients to add soy protein powder to morning smoothies or shakes before getting their workout in, to help build and retain muscle mass. 


2. Supports Recovery

Despite the health benefits, building strength through a new exercise regimen can be tough on muscles. Luckily, soy protein may help aid recovery. A randomized trial suggests that consuming isolated soy protein can reduce exercise-induced muscle damage and enhance muscle recovery.

Put it into action: For patients looking to strengthen their bodies in the new year, recommend they opt for soy protein filled snacks, such as these Chocolate Soybean Energy Bites, after a workout, to help support muscle recovery.


3. Supports Weight Management

Compared to carbohydrates and fats, protein offers the greatest feeling of satiety after eating. Soy protein provides plant-based nutrition and satisfaction to help patients feel fuller longer, which can help reduce the urge to snack between meals to keep them on track. And studies show that plant-based protein, like soy, can be just as effective in helping patients meet weight goals as animal sources. 

Put it into action: Recommend your clients start the day with a tofu scramble with veggies to boost protein, and fiber, intake and help them stay satisfied until lunch. 


4. Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Soy is one of the only plant-based proteins that carries the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) heart health claim and has been shown to directly lower blood cholesterol levels as well as reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. 

Patients looking to enhance their cardiovascular health through diet and exercise might find that they have more stamina during workout sessions.

Put it into action: Encourage your patients to add more soy to their meals like, like this easy chicken and tofu teriyaki rice bowls, to reap soy’s heart healthy benefits. 

Unlock Fitness Goals with an Assist from Soy Protein

Setting and meeting fitness goals can be a difficult but worthwhile cause. Soy protein can help patients stick to their diet and exercise plans to optimize results — making fitness less of a challenge and more of a joy in the coming year.

Click here to learn more about the impact of soy protein on overall health.

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