5. There are two main soy products, tofu and soymilk. When soymilk is made, it can be converted to tofu if a _________ is added.
7. ________is the small growing point on the bean where it attaches to the pod and in applications where the beans are not ground up, many food companies want it to be clear or white to develop a more aesthetically pleasing end product.
8. The making of traditional soymilk involves soaking the beans for 6-8 hours, running them through a grinder to make a slurry and then separating the liquid to make raw soymilk. The raw product must be _________to destroy trypsin inhibitors, which can reduce the digestion and absorption of proteins.
10. Umami is not actually a single taste as there are 3 key types of umami compounds: inosine-5’-monophosphate (IMP), guanylo-5’-monophosphate (GMP) and, the most well-known,______________.
12. _________ is fermented soybean paste and can be added to basic soup, sauce, dip, or mashed potatoes to add an umami flavor.